
Happy International Mud Day!

There apparently is now a day to celebrate mud ... who knew?!  But it is a great excuse to get a little messy.

Since we live in the second story of an apartment playing with real mud wasn't going to be the best option.  So I found a recipe for "Clean Mud" or "Soap Mud".

The recipe is easy: 1 role toilet paper, 1/8 cup of hand soap, and enough water to make it mud-like.

First step is to rip up the t-paper into teeny-tiny pieces.  

Finnley got bored of this step very fast... I would suggest doing this before hand and having some extra strips for them to do so that they feel like they helped.

Next step is to add the soap and water.  That was a good step for Finn - she liked making 'mud'.

All done putting all the ingredients in!

Now time to mush them together!

Ready to play!!!

Lawson didn't care to help us make the mud, but he liked to play with it!

Finn and I decided adding glitter would be fun!

Overall it was a fun sensory activity that was really easy to make - not too bad for clean up - and we even got to celebrate International Mud Day!



Lawson has just discovered that Finnley knows how to high-five too!  Haha - he must of thought it was a game he could only play with adults before.

Rice Cooking

I am constantly trying to figure out cheap/easy/fun activities that I can do with the kiddos.

I had done this activitiy once as a preschool teacher but the director got mad at me because the kids put the rice all over the floor ... 

(Another nice reason to be at home with the babies - no one cares if they get rice all over the floor as long as they are having fun!)

Rapunzel Impersonator

The only Disney movie Finn and Lawson have really sat through at this point is Tangled.

And Finnley has been having a lot of fun reenacting some of the scenes.  She likes to take one of her play crowns and put it on her wrist (look at me and have me shake my head 'no' like Pascal), look through it (again shake 'no'), and on her head... etc. 

Another one only happens when she is in trouble.  A typical scenario would be Finnley playing to rough with Lawson ... Me telling her 'no' ... Her then telling me 'no' ...  Me warning her she will need to sit down on time-out ... and her great come back:  

"You are never leaving this tower... EVER"

HAHA!  How are you supposed to keep a straight face with that?!? 


Starting to Feel a lot like Summer!

So although it is hot... it is still not unbearably hot.

I've noticed that the days here are much cooler in the morning - but you want to get inside (or to the pool) by about 10:30/11am.  And it doesn't cool down, like it did in San Diego, in the evening.  The heat and humidity linger.

I've gotten into the routine of taking the kids out to get their outdoor play time in during the "cooler" hours.

I'm very much hoping everything works out and we get a car in the next month or two - I'm pretty sure we are all going to get cabin fever trying to excape the heat in our apartment!

Also, today my sister and BJ bought over their cute little puppy, Moose.  We hadn't seen him for about three weeks and he has already grown a lot!

Finnley had fun trying to get Moose to chase her, and Moose loved licking Lala's sticky banana hands!

This was our first visit with little Moose - I didn't think to take out the camera today and really wish I had!  But there is no way Krissy could have held him like that anymore! ha! 



"Picky-Picky" was actually a nick-name I had in elementary school because I was such a picky eater.  So I guess it is only fair that one of my kids be as picky as I was.

Lawson will smoosh and poke everything on his plate but will refuse to eat it.  Unless it is one of the five current things on his 'like list'.  (Which includes: Ravioli, Mac and Cheese, Bananas, Gold Fish, and Watermelon.) 

So after two days of not having any of those on the menu he stuffed his face when I cook Mac and Cheese for lunch!  He ate two servings and Finnley's left overs!!!

Lawson eating Finn's leftover Mac and Cheese!


Doughnuts and Armadillo

We have created a few fun rituals since moving here.

For example, on days where we go to the bank we get a lolly pop from the teller and then we usually go play at the splash pad.

On days where we do laundry, we go play at the park.

For me and my sister, when we go grocery shopping we get a cupcake.

But one of my favorites is after dropping Daddy off at work - some days we will go play at the Armadillo play yard (just an outside semi-confined area with an armadillo play structure) and get a doughnut from Starbucks (conveniently located right next to it).

Lawson running around eating a doughnut!
Unfortunately, we had to leave early on this particular visit because of a certain almost-three-year-old's temper tantrum.  But you win some / you loose some, and at least we got to eat our doughnuts.


She Has Discovered Computer Games

Being Lawrence's daughter, it was only a matter of time before it happened.  Although, I will admit that I am the one who introduced her.

I thought it would be fun and educational enough to start Finnley in understanding the basic uses of computers and also to start incorporating it as a learning tool. 

We went to the Fisher Price Online Games section of their website, and she had fun coloring, finding matches, and answering questions about opposites. 

She was very proud of the picture she painted of the bear!

18 Months - He's EVERYWHERE!

So I've heard it said that "Girls are easier when they are little and harder as teenagers, and boys are harder when they are little and easier as teenagers."  Either way - we have it hard for both periods of time since we have one of each :0)

Lawson has been getting into EVERYTHING.  He bites, he screams/squeals ... (I don't know what you call it, but it hurts your ears), he throws tantrums... he is a handful!

Here he is actually playing with his toys (not picking food off the ground to eat, putting objects in the toilet, throwing clean laundry all over the room... )  But instead of pushing it around he decided to push it over and try to climb inside. 

Although I try and be a step or two ahead of him, he always seems to surprise me with new ways of destruction, new surges of energy, new abilities of climbing... what an adventure it is to be his mommy!


Lotion Thief

Finnley and Lawson were watching Winnie the Pooh in our room... or so I thought.

When I went to check on them, I found Finnley and her hands covered in lotion!

Luckily, it was only lotion.  Easily cleanable (after getting a few pictures).


Father's Day!

We had a very nice, and very laid back Father's Day!

We started it off with a delayed (so Lawrence could sleep in) breakfast.
Which included heart pancakes, sausage, and eggs!  

I made a card for Lawrence by tracing Finnley and Lawson's hands.

(I can't wait til I can do a little bit more complicated art projects with the kiddos!)

Then we spent some time at the pool!

It was fun spending the day together and being able to tell Lawrence how much love and appreciate him!


Bear Cave

We decided to make a "Bear Cave" today.

We brought ALL of the kids stuffed animals inside.  And then gathered a few books for story time.

Although it was fun, I have a feeling this will be much more fun when Lawson is a bit older and doesn't think the point is to destroy it.


Pooh Bear

Lawson's favorite toy and comfort item is his Winnie the Pooh bear.

Helping Pooh go down the slide.
Lawson cuddling with Pooh.
 Finny never really became attached to a blanket or stuffed animal - so I think it is super cute that Lawson loves it so much!

He sleeps with him, walks around the house with him, and gets very upset if Pooh was left in his crib and he can't get him out.

One of the funniest things is that he likes to bite Pooh's nose... poor bear.

Playing at the Splash Pad

The Domain splash pad is within walking distance of our home, and is one of my favorite things to do with the kids.

It's a nice walk, free, we've met a few fun friends while there, and it wears them out!

Lawson saying, "Wow"

After playing in the water for a little over an hour we had a snack - "Daddy Crackers" (Cheese Its - Lawrence use to request that from the store on all of my grocery trips so they are now referred to as Daddy Crackers)
While eating our crackers, Lawson "accidentally" dropped one ('uh-oh');
a bird came and ate it - which completely entertained and amazed the kiddos.

So it turned into a game of feeding the birds.

After snack, I was reminded that the frozen yogurt shop was conveniently placed next to the splash pad.  So we got some desert, and got a cup of Lawrence's favorite to drop off at his work.

Finny and Lawson enjoying their ice cream.

We dropped off Lawrence yogurt, and right next door (at the Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School) they were melting their ice sculptures.
Finn was fascinated with them.
Finn stacking ice.

She had fun feeling how cold it was, throwing small pieces and watching them shatter, and even stacking ice on top of other pieces.

By the time we got home, the kids were fast asleep.

Quoting Finnley

 Me: "Eat your food so that we have energy to play."

Finn: "I love energy!"

Park, Pool, Cartoons, and Trains = Great Tuesday

Another easy going day.  Woke up, ate breakfast, went to the park.


Lawson "cooking" with rocks and crayons.. Mmm.

Finnley made "Sugar" and "Chocolate"!

He is looking more like a kid now, not so much a baby!
Finn and Barbie doing her "trick"

 Then we played in our play pool on the patio!  And ended the day with playing trains with Daddy!


80's Toys Were Better

My mom saved some of my sister's and my toys from when we were kids.
I have to admit, for a while I thought it was kind of silly to drag toys that we hadn't played with on all of our moves to different states and cities for almost two decades.

But then right before we moved she brought the toys out to give to Finnley.

Finn LOVES them. 

A lot of them you can still buy newer versions of - like Fisher Price play food, My Little Ponies, and Little People.

But all except for the Little People - I like the older versions better.

And apparently I'm not the only one. 

I went on Ebay to look for some of the old Fisher Price food - some of the things that Lawson runs around the house with in his mouth are going for easily $15 in used condition.

So I am now very thankful to my mom for dragging these toys around and saving them for our kids.  For one, like I said : better quality.  But also, it is fun to see your kid playing with something you loved when you were a kid.

Finn playing with my My Little Ponies!

Hi Dora!

I put on Dora while making lunch today and couldn't help but smile when Finnley started answering Dora's questions.

From the kitchen I heard: 

Dora: "Hola, I'm Dora!  What is your name?" 

Finn: "I'm Finnley" 

Dora: "That's great!"


Expensive Jammies

Finnley and I had the honor or being in one of my friend's wedding about a month ago.
Finn was one of the flower girls, and she was so happy and excited to wear her "Princess" dress.

Now that the wedding is over, and we have no other occasions that would call for such a beautiful little dress - it is now one of Finny's favorite dress-up dresses.

Today she insisted on wearing it for nap time.

I can't help but smile that this dress cost more (with alterations) than the dress I wore when I got married and my prom dress combined... and she wears it to bed!

At least it is loved and being used!

Pancake Breakfast Sunday!

I love traditions!
And not just the big ones on birthdays, holidays, or anniversaries. 
I like the everyday ones that make memories of daily life.

We have made Sunday morning our morning for pancakes.
It is the one day of week that we stray away from our normal cereal and fruit, and have a little bit more of a feast.

It's cheap, easy, and makes everyone willing to wake up on the weekend!

It may not seem like it from his expression, but the fact that Lawson has his food still on the plate and not on the floor shows that pancake breakfast is a hit!


Never Have to Leave

We love our new apartment complex!
Even without a car, we still have a lot to do to keep the kidlets busy.

This morning, after some cartoons and breakfast I took our little loves to the park.
Both, Finny and Lala had fun collecting rocks and sticks, sliding down the slide, and running around.

Finnley showing me her new trick!

Lawson throwing rocks... how do you get a 1 1/2 year old to stop?  You don't, you just keep wasting your breath so the almost three year old hears you say no.

Then after a much needed nap, we went to the pool!
One of my favorite things about our apartments is that they have a baby pool.  
It's only 1 1/2 ft deep so it is perfect for our kiddos.

 Very full and fun day, and we didn't even have to leave our apartment complex!  


So Lawson will be 18 mos in just a little under a week.  He is just now starting to pick up words a little faster.

Today he learned how to say 'rock'  - so I wanted to make a list of all the words he has learned (and uses on a daily basis) at this point!

  • Done
  • Peek-a-boo
  • Thank-you
  • Up
  • Down
  • More
  • No
  • Elmo
  • Pooh
  • Mama
  • Dada
  • Plane
  • Ball
  • Baby
  • Eat
  • Wow
  • Book
  • Eye
  • Nose
  • Mouth
  • Shoe
  • Help
  • Balloon
  • Diaper
  • "Meow" (kitty)
  • "Ruff-ruff"  (dog) 

Happy Waker

I had the great joy of being able to take a nap while the kiddos napped today!
And then another joy of being woken up by Finnley singing.

She woke up from nap, and without calling for me or Lawrence just started to play with her toys.
From the monitor I heard our little love sing:

"I love Mommy,
I love Daddy,
I love Lala,
And they all love me."

What a great way to wake up from a nap.


No Crib Needed

I try and keep a routine...

My goal is to have them nap at the same time so that I get a break... well sometimes Lawson takes napping into his own hands.

He grabbed his blanket, found a spot next to me, and just laid down.  Next thing I knew he was fast asleep!