OBVIOUSLY, I'll be happy with either - there are bennefits to both - and of course, not any downsides to either. So I guess I'll stick with the "as long as it's healthy" response and wait in anticipation!
But of course... to keep myself occupied, I have taken a few of the silly gender predicting quizes! Here are the results... pretty split down the middle (a.k.a. not helpful!).
According to the Chinese Gender Birth chart:
It's a girl! (Chinese Age 28 at Lunar month 6)
According the the quiz at Parents.com:
It's a boy!According to the quiz at JustMamas.com:
58 % chance of having a girl
According to the quiz at BabyMed.com:
Congratulations. You scored 7 out of 9 on the Girl side. Your responses indicate that this could be a GIRL!!!
According to old wives tales:
58 % chance of having a girl
Congratulations. You scored 7 out of 9 on the Girl side. Your responses indicate that this could be a GIRL!!!
According to old wives tales:
I like sleeping on my right side, so it's a ... girl!
I had bad morning sickness, so it's a ... girl!
My hands are constantly dry, so it's a ... boy!
I'm not particularly craving citrus, so it's a ... boy!
I am having slightly worse complexsion, so it's a ... girl!
I am stumbling and not very graceful, so it's a ... boy!
My face is fuller (but that could be from the weight gain?) so it's a... girl!
I'm craving nothing but sweets, so it's a ... girl!
I don't have bad mood swings, so it's a ... boy!
I'm carrying low, so it's a ... boy!